Essentially, a ROM is like a “picture” of the game that you would play on your emulator, and the emulator reads and interprets that picture to run the game. Additionally, when we say ROM, we’re actually leaving out the second half: the full term is ROM file or ROM image. The word ROM stands for Read-Only Memory. However, there is one more essential step: collecting your ROMs. You just need to navigate to the game that you want to play, and it should boot up automatically, as the emulator program is more or less self-contained. While some might consider these quality-of-life improvements to be closer to cheating, you can’t deny that they make your life a bit easier. For example, some GBA emulators have integrated cheat code functionality, extra save slots and double-speed functions that let you skip through long stories, credits, or dialogue. As such, a GBA emulator recreates the software and coding of a GBA emulator on a more current system, such as a PC or smartphone.Įmulators are great because many of them add features that were not available to the original device. Essentially, an emulator is what you get when an entire program is recreated within another program. If you’ve never heard of the emulator before, we have some life-changing news for you.